It has been quite a while since we have had a baby monitor in our house but I can tell you that this man, dad and husband still gets an uneasy feeling when he thinks about them.
We have always had a bit of a curiosity about all things supernatural but that curiosity really grew after we had our daughter. On some nights when we were rocking our kid, she would startle as if someone had touched her, grumble and move over to the other shoulder. This would usually happen until we would say something like “can you please leave her alone so we can get some rest” and it would stop.
That is a very casual attitude I know but we are big believers in angels and relatives who come to visit so without any bad experiences, we are free to assume it was just someone saying hi. That nonchalant stance went right out the window one night though when she was about 6 months old.
My daughter was sleeping in her crib and we were both sleeping in our bedroom when the usual stirring and fussing began. We both laid there for about 30 seconds pretending to be asleep and trying to get out of having to do baby duty. The sound of the fussing on the baby monitor got a bit more urgent so we were both about to give in and “wake up”. It was at that point that we heard an adult on the baby monitor say “shh shh shh shh shh” in that unmistakable cadence of someone trying to quiet a restless baby.
This was not an occasion where the baby monitor picked up a neighbour. We could hear both my daughter and the voice at the same time. We knew someone was in the room with her.
Without a word, both of us LEAPT out of bed and I beat my wife into the room with my fist doubled and ready to go only to find nothing. We didn’t even have to ask each other “did you hear that” because it was apparent with the way we both ran to the room and the way we were both dripping with sweat.
For almost a week, our daughter slept with us and I honestly still get a bit nervous thinking about baby monitors. While we appreciate the fact that whoever it was seemed to be nice and helpful, we would appreciate it more if they could do it silently. :-)
2 years ago
that would have me freaked. mostly because i can sense things. i usually try to ignore whatever it is i'm feeling/sensing though cos i'm too scared! lol came via dad blogs :0)