Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dad - Bone shakingly bad kid movies

One of my worst problems reared it’s ugly head again this morning. This problem is not as earth shattering as sick kids, broken cars or food poisoning but I would almost choose any of those three over this.

My daughter asked me to put on one of her favorite movies named ‘Christmas is here again’. I assume that the military let the stories of water boarding leak out to keep America occupied and prevent us from finding out the real truth. Somewhere in a super-secret base, all of the current intel is gathered due to terrorists having to sit and listen to this movie.

Ed Asner, Kathy Bates, Brad Garrett, Andy Griffith, Jay Leno, Norm MacDonald. At ANY point in reading that list of names, were you thinking “I wish I could here these guys sing together”?

As bad as the singing is, the lyrics are 900 times worse. For example, about 3 songs have the following fascinating lyrics “Who (or I) stole santa’s sack. The sack he carries on his back. Who stole santa’s sack”.

Don’t believe me about how bad this show is, watch this while I wipe the blood from my ears. At 22 seconds, you will get the feeling of the music.

Not even jokes and giggles about how many times they talk about "sack" could save my sanity. Of course, I haven't had my Dr. Pepper yet this morning so I am letting her watch this thing while I drink and make breakfast.

That made me start to wonder: What musical or theatrical bullets do you take for your kids on a recurring basis? What is it that your kids love but you hate?


  1. I don't know. This looks interesting to me. Then again I haven't watch it a billion times like you have. We've been focusing on brainwashing our daughter on those 1960's animated Christmas classics and the Peanuts holiday specials. Gotta start with a solid foundation.

  2. I got a looney toons box set for my daughter. The current cartoons stink!


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